My first post touched on my expectations when I started the novel, and how the novel differed. Continuing with that theme, the depiction of the monster itself and its relationship to Victor also struck me. Beginning with the monster’s physical appearance, the focus on the yellow eyes, with no mention of the typical tall, clumsy monster with bolts, struck me. I was further intrigued by the illustrations shown in class, in which the beast barely looked human.
Beyond appearance, however, the beast seemed more human here than in contemporary adaptations. Rather than the clumsy, child-like monster I’m familiar with, Shelley had portrayed the monster as an intelligent being, speaking to Victor eloquently, even learning to read on its own (p. 139). However, the monster also has its flaws, as it kills four people dear to Victor before killing Victor himself. While having the abilities of humans, the creature also appears to have problems that humans in somewhat similar situations may face. Comparing Victor to a father who abadoned his children, I can understand that the creature would resent his creator. Adding in the monster’s unique position, and desperation for companionship, this also makes him more human in my eyes.
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