English 451

November 1, 2011

Dear Akin

Filed under: Uncategorized — kev89 @ 3:41 am

It is impossible for me to express in words the joy I feel in anticipating your arrival in this world. Looking back at my life, I cannot believe it has been over 250 years since my birth. I can barely remember the life I had before the war. It has been a struggle, but I have finally come to understand the Oankali and their intentions in repopulating the Earth with a new species. Now you are the culmination of all their efforts. As important this has become to me, theĀ  presence of a beautiful baby boy in my life to love and cherish still is what I value most about your entry into my life.

You had a human father, Joseph, who was a good man, and would have been a great father. Sadly, he cannot be here for you, as he was killed as a result of the contempt some humans had for the Oankali. Your Oankali father is Nikanj, who is an oolai. Nikanj and I will both be there for you. You are truly special Akin, not just to Nikanj and I, but to human and Oankali alike, as you are the first male human-Oankali hybrid to be born. The eyes of the world will be on you as you will undoubtedly have an influence on the future of the human species. I tell you this not to pressure you, but to encourage you to make your fathers and I proud.

I cannot know what form you will take as you age, but know that no matter what happens, you will always be my baby boy. I will always love and protect you. There are some humans who will hate you simply because of their prejudiced attitudes, but know that I will be there, and will never allow any harm to come to you. I cannot wait for you to enter my life.

Love always,

Your Mother


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